Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
Acronym: | DCM, DCM1 |
Gene: | PDK4 |
Mutation: | intron 10 16 bp del |
Inheritance: | Autosomal dominant |
Sample type: | CHS (Cheek Swab), WBE (Whole Blood EDTA) |
Genetics and characteristics
Dilated cardiomyopathy is a primary myocardial disease that can result in the development of congestive heart failure and sudden cardiac death. In Doberman Pinscher, DCM is caused by a deletion in the PDK4 gene that has an important regulatory role in cardiac energy metabolism. The penetrance of this deletion mutation in the population studied was approximately 68%.
Results Reported As
Test Result |
Interpretation of test result |
Tested mutation was not detected in animal with „clear“ result. Animal tested as clear has wild-type allele in homozygous state (i.e. two pairs of healthy alleles). It will not develop disease caused by tested mutation.* It will pass only wild-type allele to its offspring. |
Tested mutation was detected in animal with „affected heterozygote“ result. Animal tested as affected heterozygote has one wild-type and one mutation allele, it is in heterozygous state. It is likely to develop disease caused by tested mutation.* It can pass wild-type or mutation allele to its offspring. |
Tested mutation was detected in animal with „affected“ result. Animal tested as affected has two copies of mutation alleles affecting the gene. It is likely the animal will experience a genetic disorder due to this mutation.** It will pass only mutation allele to its offspring. |
*Test excludes only tested mutation but not possible unknown mutations or factors that can lead to similar condition/symptoms.
**Penetrance of tested mutation, and potential unknown mutations or multiple other factors can possibly affect the likelihood of experiencing a genetic disorder.
Meurs, K.M., Lahmers, S., Keene, B.W., White, S.N., Oyama, M.A., Mauceli, E., and Lindblad-Toh, K. (2012). A splice site mutation in a gene encoding for PDK4, a mitochondrial protein, is associated with the development of dilated cardiomyopathy in the Doberman pinscher. Human Genetics 131, 1319–1325.
Owczarek-Lipska, M., Mausberg, T.-B., Stephenson, H., Dukes-Mcewan, J., Wess, G., and Leeb, T. (2013). A 16-bp deletion in the canine PDK4 gene is not associated with dilated cardiomyopathy in a European cohort of Doberman Pinschers. Animal Genetics 44, 239.