Canine herpes virus (CHV)

Canine herpes virus (CHV) Canine herpes virus (CHV) is an alphaherpesvirus affecting dogs worldwide, and is a well-known agent of lethal neonatal canine infections and the fading puppy syndrome. The virus is very common and it has been found all over the world. The prevalence of the infected dogs depends on the region, from 20%…

DNA tests discount

Holiday season in AnimaLabs!

Holiday season in AnimaLabs laboratory has officially started and it brings great holiday discount! What can be better than 2+1 gratis offer? 35% of discount on all genetic tests for dogs, cats and other animals, regardless of number of tests ordered! Use this seasonal unique offer and enter New Year carefree about your animal’s health!…


Breeding Carriers – DNA Testing in Breeding Program

Doubts and questions regarding breeding carriers have been present among dog breeders since first development of modern dog breeds. With the fast development in the field of genetics and molecular biology, a number of DNA tests became available for purebred dogs. These tests became a powerful tool in the control of the quality of one’s dog, but DNA tests also enabled planning of breeding program on a whole new level.

border collie DNA testing

Border Collie – Inherited Traits and Diseases

During the Industrial Revolution, the market’s need for lamb, wool, and mutton drastically increased, making vast land in the Borders of Scotland and Northern England ideal for farming and production of these goods. The land was broad and fenceless, and the farmers needed a hardworking herding dog to help with the shepherding tasks. With this aim the Border Collie was bred, resulting in dog breed today well known for its high intelligence, athletic appearance, quick learning abilities and herding skills.

Dog eyes

Inherited Canine Eye Disorders

Inherited canine eye disorders comprise a large number of ocular pathologies and their occurrence depends on genetic inheritance by the offspring from their parents. General knowledge about hereditary eye diseases has increased significantly during the last twenty years, and today they are among the best described and best characterized group of all inherited canine diseases.


Visit us at European Dog Show 2016 in Brussels, Belgium

After 4 Summer Night Shows in Split, our next stop is an even bigger dog lovers and breeders event: FCI-European Dog Show 2016, in Brussels, Belgium, held on 26.-28. August.

As Belgium was the first country in history to organise a dog show, we expect this show to be very interesting and a lot of dog breeds to be seen. More than 12 000 dogs are expected to be shown in these three days.

Dog Show Animalabs
dog genetics

Dog Genetics – Introduction to Modes of Inheritance

In previous years, big advances have been made in understanding of dog genetics. Different traits or inherited diseases differ among each other in modes of inheritance. Progress in the field of dog genetics, the CanMap project and recognition of a dog as a model for a number of inherited diseases in humans led to identification of mutations associated with many different diseases and traits found in various dog breeds.

Now breeders can take care of their breeding stock by DNA testing for neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, sensory, renal, metabolic and other numerous disorders. A lot of information of dog disease genetics was acquired in a short amount of time. Although it will take time to fully come to understanding all of the findings, it is necessary for breeders to understand the DNA tests results they get for their dogs. To be able to put the results to use in practice, basic knowledge of modes of inheritance is needed.


Cooperation with breed clubs

As one of our working goals, AnimaLabs© is focusing on assisting breeders in their future breeding with the use of DNA tests in order to breed healthy animals. Due to high interest, AnimaLabs© decided to suggest cooperation with breed clubs in order to fulfill that goal. We are very pleased that the breed clubs recognized the benefits and importance of our cooperation, and that we provided breed club members timely recognition of their animals’ susceptibility to developing inherited diseases; all at affordable and reasonable prices.
