Product Description
Exercise-induced collapse (EIC)
Exercise-induced collapse (EIC) is an autosomal recessive disorder and is characterized by episodic limb weakness, ataxia, and collapse induced by intense exercise and excitement in young adult, athletic dogs. Five to fifteen minutes of strenuous exercise causes dogs suffering from this condition to develop a ‘wobbly’ gait, which soon progresses to nonpainful, flaccid paraparesis and a loss of control of the rear limbs. The episode may progress to all four limbs. Collapse episodes usually last for 5–10 min, recovery is typically rapid, and after 30 min there is often complete recovery, but severe episodes are occasionally fatal.
It is most common among Labrador Retrievers and Current data shows that 30% to 40% of Labradors are carriers (with one copy of the mutation) and 3% to 13% of dogs are affected (with 2 copies) and susceptible to collapse.
Since there are no detectable serum biochemical markers in collapsed dogs, diagnosis of EIC by laboratory examination is difficult. Identification of dogs prone to EIC is important so that activities that induce collapse can be avoided.
Furrow, E., Minor, K.M., Taylor, S.M., Mickelson, J.R., and Patterson, E.E. (2013). Relationship between dynamin 1 mutation status and characteristics of recurrent episodes of exercise-induced collapse in Labrador Retrievers. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 242, 786–791.
Patterson, E.E., Minor, K.M., Tchernatynskaia, A.V., Taylor, S.M., Shelton, G.D., Ekenstedt, K.J., and Mickelson, J.R. (2008). A canine DNM1 mutation is highly associated with the syndrome of exercise-induced collapse. Nature Genetics 40, 1235–1239.
Taylor, S.M., Shmon, C.L., Adams, V.J., Mickelson, J.R., Patterson, E.N.E., and Shelton, G.D. (2009). Evaluations of labrador retrievers with exercise-induced collapse, including response to a standardized strenuous exercise protocol. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 45, 3–13.