Black Cat show is an annual international cat show held on 15th and 16th of November in WestGate Shopping City. The show got its name because of unique detail during the show – visitors can also win a prize, if they mask themselves in a black cat. This was an ideal opportunity for AnimaLabs to present itself for the first time. Our goal was to inform both owners and visitors about importance of DNA testing, but we also wanted to raise awareness of our brand.
As a welcome gesture we collected samples for free blood type testing for all cats that were participating in the show. We successfully tested numerous cats and their owners were highly supportive of opening a laboratory that will offer animal DNA testing in Croatia.
Upcoming CACIB International Dog Show, to be held at Zagreb Fair on 21./22./23. of November is our next stop. Visit us at our booth in pavillion 10, test your dog and ensure it has a long and quality life.
Sampling process
- Taking the buccal swabs. Proper swabbing ensures sufficient amount of DNA for testing.
- Air drying the swabs. It takes about 20 seconds to dry the swab.
- Swabs are safely stored to avoid the possibility of contamination during transport to our laboratory.