DNA tests prices

AnimaLabs services can be paid:

  • by direct bank transfer
  • via PayPal

DNA test prices

  • or T-Com Payway with credit or debit card – American Express, MasterCard, Diners, Visa and Maestro.

Maestro50  Visa50 DCI_updated_logos_AcceptanceMark_color_4c_68x50px

You choose the desired method of payment during checkout.

Regular discounts

3 to 6 ordered tests – 5%

7 to 10 ordered tests – 10%

more than 10 ordered tests – 15%

Tests selection:

  1. On our front page you can choose tests for dogs, cats or other animals and view them in categories (inherited diseases, inherited traits, infectious diseases and other) or search them by breed.
  2. When you find the desired test, type the animal ID (name of the animal or other way of identification such as michrochip or tattoo number) and add it to cart. We need the Animal ID to know the number of collection kits we have to send and to know which test is for which animal. Please, be careful that you write same ID you entered in our web shop on the collection kit while sending the samples.
  3. After adding the test to cart you can go back to searching for tests, or, if you added all the tests you wanted, click on View cart.

Your cart:

  1. All tests added to cart with their prices are visible here. In case you do not want a test added to cart you can remove it here.
  2. If you own a coupon code from one of our promotional activities, you can apply it here to realize a special offer or receive a discount.
  3. Here you can also see cart totals that includes the tests and a one-time shipping and DNA collection kit fee. The fee is the same regardless of the number of DNA collection kits ordered.


  1. When you are finished with adding tests to your cart and cart revision click on Proceed to Checkout.
  2. During checkout you choose a payment method and type your personal information (if you have already registered on our website you do not have to type your personal information again).
  3. Payment can be made by direct bank transfer, via PayPal or T-Com Payway with credit or debit card – one-time payment with American Express, MasterCard, Diners, Visa and Maestro. By ordering the tests you are accepting the Terms and Conditions of Sale Using the Internet Shop.
  4. Order is considered as completed after receiving the payment. After order completion DNA collection kits are sent to you.


  1. Turnaround time for testing is usually within 10 business days after receiving the samples (samples are sent to us according to the instructions found in the DNA collection kit).

In its work, AnimaLabs© cooperates with breed clubs for the purpose of promoting healthy breeding and lowering the incidence of inherited diseases. Members of associate clubs can order tests for genetic diseases frequent in their breed, at affordable prices that include breed club discount, regardless of test order quantity.

If you are not sure whether we cooperate with your own breed club and/or you want to know more about the discounted genetic tests, ask at your club or send us an inquiry through the contact form – or you can send us an email to info@animalabs.com.

Motivated by previous good experiences cooperating with breed clubs we are planning to expand  our network of associates, so if your club is not on our associate list currently, we hope it soon it will be.

In addition to breed club discounts AnimaLabs© provides discounted DNA tests to all professional  breeders in order to facilitate healthy breeding. Send us an inquiry about discounts on DNA tests for breeders through the contact form, or you can send an email to info@animalabs.com.

If you are interested in DNA profiles for dogs, feel free to contact us about possible discount.

Fill out the form and get your discount now:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Club/Kennel/Cattery name (required)

Number of members


Number of adult animals (required)

Number of litters per year (approx.)

Tests of interest (required)

Your Message