Dog DNA sample collection kit is used for dog DNA sample collection, which is usually a first step in a longer laboratory process. DNA extraction is an important part of the process because the DNA needs to be purified and separated from proteins and other cellular contaminants. It is based on combination of different physical and chemical methods. DNA can be found in everything living and therefor it is possible to use anything living as source of DNA for extraction. Most common sources of DNA used for cat or dog DNA sample collection are blood and buccal swab and they differ among each other by the quality and quantity of extracted DNA. Between those two DNA sources, buccal swab may be easier to obtain in non-invasive manner, than the blood sample. In AnimaLabs’ laboratory, for genetic tests for dogs, dog DNA sample collection kits for blood and buccal swab are being used.
Following charts show the average DNA yield and the DNA quality, when the DNA is extracted from two different sources, blood and buccal swab sample.
Based on provided charts, it can be easily concluded that the blood is the best source of the DNA for the DNA isolation. However, buccal swab sample still provides sufficient quality and quantity of DNA for further processing and DNA testing.
Source of the DNA in buccal swab are the mucosa cells, which are situated on the inside of a cheek. There is no DNA in the saliva itself, but in the cellular content present in it. Buccal swab collection has many advantages. It can be easily performed using a collection swab, it provides sufficient DNA for the PCRs and a long-term storage. On other hand, DNA yield and its quality is worse when isolating from the buccal swab, because of possible food leftovers and smaller number of cells than in a blood sample.
Source of the DNA in blood are the white blood cells. Red blood cells cannot be a source of the DNA, since they lack nuclei.
Practical guidelines for using dog DNA sample collection kit
Buccal swab can be taken using collection swab from dog DNA sample collection kit provided by AnimaLabs or your own sterile collection swab. It is important that the swab does not come in contact with anything other than your pet’s mouth, in order to prevent contaminations with foreign DNA. Be careful also not to touch the swab with your own hands. After taking the swab sample, it is vital to let is dry on air. By drying the buccal swab on air, bacterial contaminations and degradation of the DNA is avoided. Do not dry the swab by blowing on it.
Once you have taken the buccal swab sample, do not return it into its plastic package but place it in the AnimaLabs envelope, according to identification number of the sample and animal. Envelope with sample should be sent the same day, but if you are not in possibility to do so, store the envelope in the fridge and send as soon as you are able to.
When it comes to blood sample, you must be ready to send the samples the same day as they are collected. Until sending it, sample should be stored at 4°C. The fresher the sample, the more successful the testing is.
For more detailed information on buccal and blood collection instructions, look here or watch video.
In case of using your own collection swab or sending blood sample, in the cart use code ”shipping” in the coupon number field as you check out from AnimaLabs web shop, and the price will be reduced for the price of the dog DNA sample collection kit.